Cemetery District Rules & Regulations:
Burial rights in this cemetery may be purchased from an authorized representative of the Board of Trustees of the Parlier Cemetery District, at the business located on the cemetery grounds. The terms of sale are cash or cashier check. Upon payment in full, and payment of the Endowment Care Fund deposit, A Certificate of Ownership of Burial Rights, executed by an authorized representative of the Board of Trustees, shall be issued to the purchaser. Element of this right is the privilege to be buried according to the usual custom in the community and pursuant to the rules and regulations set forth by the proprietor of the cemetery by the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right of passing other rules and regulations or amending these rules and regulations.
A twenty-five-dollar service charge will be added to the amount of any returned check, if necessary, legal action will be initiated and pursued to the fullest extent as prescribed by law, CA Civil Code Chapter 522, Section 1719.
No interment may be made, or other services rendered, until all charges for plots, services and Endowment Care Fund deposit have been paid in full.
As of August 26, 2019, Board of Trustees has approved that plots that have not been used are able to be used as double companion burial plot you will be paying the double companion charges. Please see manager for details. We are not accepting non-residents per board members.
An approved vault, concrete box, or metal receptacle shall be used in every interment. Parlier Cemetery District maintains authority to add an additional service charge for vaults obtained independently of this district.
The remains or cremains of the deceased will be received at the cemetery in a closed casket urn, or other approved container.
Final interment services shall not begin before 9:00 A.M. or no later than 1:00 P.M. Saturday interments may be made upon payment of the surcharge fixed by the Board of Trustees. No interments will be made on any recognized national holiday.
Orders to open grave must be signed by family representative at least one full business day preceding interment services.
No opening or closing of a grave, or the placement of any marker, plant, tree, or any other ornament or device shall be made by anyone except cemetery personnel and recognized professional within the industry.
No grave sites or lots shall be resold by any purchaser except back to the Cemetery District. (We sell a burial right, not the ground.) Parlier cemetery is not accepting non-residents.
No burial will be permitted in any District cemeteries without proper authorization.
All Benches must be Concrete Benches and approved by the cemetery manager before ordering.
All markers, marble or granite must be accepted by the cemetery manager being in conformity with rules and regulations of the Cemetery District. Contact the Office for sizes of markers must be installed by Cemetery employees.
Approved headstones will be limited in size as follows:
- Single grave marker shall be no larger than 12x24x3
- Double Companion grave only a 12X24 x3
- Infants’ grave maker shall be no larger than 8×16
- Single plots 2 Decorations only.
All markers must be set in concrete by cemetery employees. All markers will be facing east keeping them all the same per the Board of Trustees and they shall establish an installation fee that shall be paid in full prior to the setting of any markers.
- Payment, in full, and the Endowment Care Fund deposit, must be paid on an adjacent plot before setting of a double marker is possible.
- No person shall gather flowers, etc. that he/she did not place upon cemetery plot. Nor shall any person disturb any flowers, plants, or trees within the cemetery boundaries.
- The Cemetery District shall not be held liable for damage sustained to any photograph set in headstones. There is a Five-Year warranty for the cement setting if cracked before the Five years.
- The Cemetery District disclaims responsibility for the loss or damage, beyond its reasonable control, especially caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves or vandals.
- The board of Trustees. Being the governing board of the Parlier Cemetery District, will revise, amend, and pass rules and regulations to ensure the continued operation of this cemetery, as need arises.
The Cemetery District is not responsible for damage, theft or any vandalism to any personal property, including artifacts, personal effects, etc., placed on or near Interment Spaces or elsewhere in the Cemetery.
No person or persons not employed by the Parlier Cemetery District shall excavate any earth, lay or remove any sod or alter the grade of any lot within the Cemetery. This includes digging around stones. No person either on or about their own lot or lots of others, shall plant, remove or trim any trees or shrub.
As of March 22, 2021, Per the Board of Trustees, we are no longer planting rose trees. If any tree, shrub, plant or vine situated on any plot shall become detrimental or unsightly to adjacent plots, streets or the cemetery grounds, the manager or any other person authorized by the Board may enter upon such plot and remove or trim such tree, shrub, plant or vine as deemed necessary.
No glass vases, bark, mulch, balloons, planter boxes, fences are allowed.
Fresh flowers and artificial flowers may remain in the vases, unless the flowers start to discolor, fade, deteriorate and look bad then the Cemetery shall have the right to remove all floral decorations (artificial or natural), flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, or plants of any kind, including the containers, stands or the like in which or upon which such are contained and/or displayed, from the Cemetery when, in the sole judgment of the Cemetery, they become unsightly or diseased, or if they do not conform to the Cemetery’s policies.
Parents must be under direct supervision of their children at all times while on the property.
The possession or consumption of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages within the Cemetery is strictly forbidden.
Automobiles shall be driven through the Cemetery grounds at a safe speed and shall always be driven on the right side of the Cemetery roadways.
Parlier Cemetery is an Endowment Care Interment Cemetery.
For more information, call the office: (559) 646-2440
Authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Parlier Cemetery District.
Phone: (559) 646-2440 | Fax: (559) 646-2444EMAIL: PARLIERCEMNANCI@GMAIL.COM